
It has been two weeks since my last blog.  I really have no excuse other than “life happens” which seems a little all too inclusive at times.  The truth is, I retired from my regular day job two weeks ago and I am dealing with clutter.  It is truly amazing the amount of clutter that I have managed to accumulate after working in the same place for 14 years.   There really wasn’t a lot of trash.  Just knick-knacks, presents from co-workers and vendors, miscellaneous office supplies that I needed to do my job that the company didn’t normally provide.  Not to mention plants, plaques, awards and office decorations that I just didn’t have the heart to get rid of.   I did give away as much as possible to fellow co-workers.  I gave away more plants than I kept.

The point is, when you have been doing something for a while, clutter accumulates.  I seem to attract it.  I have a most difficult time letting go.  All of which brings me to my music.

As long as I was making this transition, I started going through all my music files and I realized that I had eight or nine different version of some of my music.  I don’t know about you, but when I am writing along and manage to write myself into a corner I can’t find a way out, I have a tendency go back to the last melody or key change and start a rewrite.  But I don’t want to get rid of the original because I may need that dead-end passage for something else.  So I start a new version.  The chances are that I am never going to use that dead end passage but I just hate to throw anything away.  Just in case.

I know that this is not a good thing.  My desk gets cluttered with projects and I am forced to clean it off just so that I have a place to work.  It’s not that I am lazy.  I just have so much going on that staying organized is not as big of a priority at getting things done, even though I know in my heart of hearts that if I would put a priority on staying organized, it would probably allow me more time to work on the things that I enjoy so much.

Starting today, I am going to try harder to improve on this imperfection in my life.  I am going to try and remove the clutter (physical, emotional, and non-productive clutter) that prevents me from completing certain projects, such as getting my blog done in a time fashion.  We’ll see how it goes.  J